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#Shepersisted #likeagirl #heforshe

The athleticism and skill we are seeing in women’s college basketball today blows my mind and only makes me love the sport more. And with UCONN earning their 100th victory in a row Monday night vs. an incredibly talented South Carolina team, history continues to be made.  Did you hear the one about Tara VanDerveer of Stanford hitting the 1,000-victory mark in coaching this month?  #shepersistedHow about seeing Jackie Stiles, the prolific scorer from Missouri State have her statue unveiled?  I can’t forget watching her score; so amazing.  I even attended the University of Minnesota Women’s Basketball game this past Saturday when they took on Rutgers and there she was; C. Vivian Stringer who has been coaching college hoops over 46 years.  Can I get another #shepersisted?

In other sports action, the NCAA has announced it will FINALLY air some of the Women’s College Hockey Frozen Four in a partnership with Big Ten Network or BTN.  This year, BTN will cover the championship game live, followed by the semifinals and championship games live the next three years. It’s a start; an overdue start but a start.

Finally, I want to commend the players of a Catholic grade-school basketball team in New Jersey for recently taking a stand to defend their teammates.  The challenge before them was to decide if they should forfeit the last two games of the season or continue playing without their female teammates because of a rule in place by the archdiocese that only boys can play with boys and girls with girls.  Ok, but there weren’t enough girls playing to have a team!  In the end, what I love is that the parents gave the kids the power to decide and they chose to stick together as a team. #heforshe

In 4th grade, I was the only girl on my Catholic school basketball team.  It was the first basketball team I ever played on and I can’t imagine what life would have looked like for me without hoops.

#shepersisted #likeagirl

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News — Shelly Bean the Sports Queen

Oh the power of playing sports…..

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News — Shelly Bean the Sports Queen Visits Texas!


News — Shelly Bean the Sports Queen Visits Texas!

What an amazing week it has been visiting schools in parts of Texas!  As an author, I am incredibly grateful that I have the opportunity so often to to meet with children and share the message of perseverance and what it means to be a role model. Shelly Bean the Sports Queen loves to try new sports and while it is difficult at first, she demonstrates what it means to GET BACK UP AND TRY AGAIN!  Children are the most honest and they tell ME what they love about playing sports...being with their friends, working hard, getting sweaty, being physical, making their heart pump fast and so much more. It isn't about winning for them...that's adults talking. It's about PLAYING!  Doing these school visits gives me more and more life every time and I am humbled by them.  Thank you Texas!
